Unlike certain more Leftist people, I would never argue that one should “ban” words just because they offend people.
“How dare you tell me how to talk? Free speech!”Ībsolutely.

You don’t really know if the frustrating person making pessimistic comments all the time is actually a pessimist, or actually struggling with a debilitating illness. Depression and related disorders don’t simply make people “negative.” They make them hopeless, joyless, and, at times, suicidal. Second–and if you read this blog regularly, I’m sure you know where this is going–“Debbie Downer” is often used as a disparaging term that basically means “person with a mental illness.” In that context, it’s not only insulting, but inaccurate. It means that rather than taking the time to figure out why someone’s saying all these negative things, they’re just going to write them off with a convenient alliterative term. “Oh, don’t mind him, he’s just a Debbie Downer” “Why are you being such a Debbie Downer?” etc.), is that it’s a reflection of our culture’s dismissal of anyone who doesn’t have a smile plastered all over their face at all times.Īfter all, isn’t that such a dismissive thing to say? When one calls someone a Debbie Downer, they’re implying that this person’s thoughts and opinions aren’t to be taken seriously. The first thing I think of when I hear the phrase “Debbie Downer” in one of the contexts it’s most commonly used (i.e. But I think we need to stop using that phrase, for several reasons. “Those negative people are so annoyinggg!” I propose a moratorium on the term “ Debbie Downer.”