
Mediawiki images
Mediawiki images

mediawiki images

MediaWiki will happily use ImageMagick for image resizing and manipulation if you’ve installed it, so that’s a good idea. Having memcached and the PHP5-memcache extension installed to handle PHP session caching wouldn’t hurt, either. However, this guide is going to assume that you’ve got PHP5-FPM installed and working, along with Alternative PHP Cache (APC). We’re also not going to go through PHP installation and configuration. The official documentation can take you through that.

#Mediawiki images how to#

We’re not going to go through how to set up a MySQL or postgresql database for MediaWiki. The configuration I settled on was a mix of things from around the web, including the MediaWiki site and the Nginx Wiki, and my own ideas, with an eye toward closing off access to as much of the internals as possible and pulling the main configuration components out of the web root. There are lots of MediaWiki-on-Nginx guides out there, but I didn’t find anything approaching the completeness of the much more common MediaWiki-on-Apache guides. I started with DokuWiki, a flat-file wiki, because I was reluctant to weigh down a webserver with a database just to host a small wiki, but now that is hosting some more things and needs a database, it seemed time to switch over to MediaWiki, the wiki engine that powers Wikipedia and the whole MedkaWiki foundation network of sites. I host a small Minecraft server with maybe a couple dozen players total, and for the past several months we’ve been using a wiki to catalog our achievements.

Mediawiki images